In this section I am going to break down various games played against loose aggressive players. Some people get very frustrated in matches against people that constantly pound on you but the truth is that LAG’s, when played correctly will often give up all of their chips in one hand!
Head Up SNG Player Type Categories
These videos will give you an insight to how I play aggressive opponents but there will only ever be so many scenarios that will take place in a game. If you want to know my complete game of judi slot 777 plan for every situation you will commonly face against loose aggressive players then I break it down in full in my heads up poker course Below you can choose from the categories for the other types of players you’ll face.
- Loose/ Aggressive (maniacs)
- Hybrid Players (players that have a mix of more than one style)
- Heads Up SNG Videos vs Loose Aggressive Players
- This is the first leakfinder video for Tagpoker member Faaabb.
Faaabb has just started ‘The FREE Apprentice Course’ with Brokerstar. He has qualified for his training through on of the poker rooms in the coaching options and this his his first review.
Topics Covered:
Value betting, semi bluffing, making sure your lines make sense, playing straight forward out of position, giving your opponents good odds and why this is bad.
This is a game review video for a student starting my free heads up SNG course. In this Texas Hold em poker match my student asked me to help him with a player that he believed was quite aggressive and check raising him a lot. I talk him through a strategy that will help deal with players like this in the future as well as help to identify what kind of player he is facing.
Topics Covered:
How to check the style your opponent is actually playing, stealing out of position, aggression in position, not checking down hands without showdown value.
You the public said you wanted to see more ‘live matches’ so this is the first in a new series of live games vs differing player types.
I do feel that using the replayer enables me to go into more depth with regards to hands, reads, plays and game plans but you have asked for live games so I’m giving them to you. The result is much shorter videos with me trying to cover concepts as fast as I can but I’ll still be making some game review vids so that you don’t miss out on the indepth lessons.
Topics Covered:
Spotting a player type, adjusting and making reads on the fly, using what you have found out to formulate a plan for certain hand situations, tackling aggressive players in the low stakes.
This is a heads up Texas Hold’em poker lesson from a game played at the $10 level. In this video I try and give you more of an insight to how I play and think in a live game scenario. I show you how I’m constantly making and adjusting my notes, looking for betting patterns and trying to figure out what means strong and what’s weak and then I try and talk you through potential ways that I’m looking to take advantage of the infomation that I gather.
Our opponent is a kind of hybrid player as he’s fairly passive pre flop and post flop when he’s out of position but seems more bluffy and aggressive, post flop when he’s in position.
Topics Covered:
Looking for betting patterns, making plans on the fly, categorising your opponent, hero calls, note taking, read making.
Part 8 of the $5000 Bankroll Challenge.
This is the first $50 HUSNG played against a fairly aggressive player. The guy starts off seeming tight and passive but very quickly becomes aggressive and kind of a hybrid between a LAG and a TAG.
Video 7 of the second part of the series.
Our opponent is quite aggressive but in this video we look at making reads based on timing tells and betting patterns which enable us to check/ raise shove with air in several spots.